Stop And Smell The Roses

There have been moments during the past seven weeks of parenting that I’ve experienced mild to moderate, to at times, even manic overwhelm. But I know not to beat myself up.

Mumming and breastfeeding non stop around the clock with little to no sleep can send even the most grounded of persons spinning off the earth’s axis.

I am not perfect, nor must I try to be.

In spite of the craziness, I love my little family unconditionally and wouldn’t trade any of this madness in for the world. For amidst the mayhem are bountiful blessings that make it all worthwhile; I am Mum to a beautiful, spirited son who lights up my world despite keeping us well on our toes; I have my supportive, hardworking spunk of a man by my side who provides buttery crumpets to warm my tum and endless laughter to warm my heart; I am also blessed enough to be surrounded by authentic women who I am proud to call my friends.

I honestly believe that the more grateful we are about life, the more life has to offer us things to be grateful for.

It’s so easy to get blindsided when emotions are running high, so today, tune in and count your blessings.

What blessings keep you keeping on?

Nothing in life is guaranteed, not even our next breath. As extreme as this may sound, it’s important to remember this simple truth if we are to appreciate all life has to offer.

Before becoming a Mummy I walked everyday, sometimes even twice a day for an hour each time. These days I am lucky to get a half hour walk depending on my sons mood… I have learnt not to expect my walk, but to be grateful when it does happen. This way I avoid disappointment and appreciate our time spent in nature all the more. I remember to ‘stop and smell the roses’ 🌹 Or in my case, these beautiful orange flowers (I have no idea what they are, feel free to educate me!) 😉

Today, stop and smell the roses. Notice your next breath and give thanks. Expect nothing and appreciate everything, and if you can’t appreciate it, at least accept it.

Love always,

Hayley xx

Mothers Milk

Nobody said breastfeeding would be easy… So far my baby and I have experienced the initial breaking in period of cracked nipples, early onset of mastitis, and we are currently navigating an overactive let down which means I drown my son in milk each time we feed! Queue choking, frustrated baby who chomps down on my breasts to slow the flow…

There are times when I feel like giving up, but I know this breastfeeding journey will get easier with time. It’s worth me persevering to provide the best nourishment for my child.

‘Breastfeeding is a Mother’s gift to herself, her baby and the earth’ – Pamela K. Wiggins.

In some ways, breastfeeding prepares us for Motherhood. It is to place another’s needs before our own.

I understand breastfeeding isn’t for everyone, and I have no judgement towards women who choose alternative ways to feed their baby. As a bottle fed baby myself, I respect every woman’s decision as a choice.

For me, that choice has been to nourish my child with what Mother Nature provided. Not simply ‘because it’s free’ (…anyone who says that clearly doesn’t know the time and effort that goes into breastfeeding!) I choose the breast because this is the food that was intended for my baby to help him grow and thrive.

What sacrifices/difficulties/adversities have you experienced on your baby feeding journey? Did you reach a point when it all began to get a little easier?

Love always,

(One curious breastfeeding Mumma)


Soulful Sunday #53: Be Your Vulnerable Self

secret sorrows

Welcome to my fifty-third instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’; a weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my dreams and intentions for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

This week I’ve been sitting with my vulnerabilities and allowing myself to feel into what arises, trusting that it’s all there to teach me and to help me to grow.

How many of us automatically reply “I’m well thank you!” when asked how we are, when in actual fact – we are not ok? We feel we are burdensome or negative company if we actually share what’s really going on.

Today, I’d like you to consider what support may be available to you if you showed up in your authentic state and gave yourself permission to be vulnerable and open. Remember, in doing so you allow others to do the same.

Let us let go of the surface level interactions we’ve maintained as our shield of protection and be willing to dive deep.

Allow yourself to receive the support you need. You are worthy.

Soul Strolls

With 9 weeks of pregnancy left, I am still continuing my soul strolls around my neighbourhood. I’m finding it’s not long before I have to empty my bladder these days so I can’t stray too far from home. But even around the local area there is much beauty to be found.


‘If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.’ – Vincent Van Gogh

Soul Food

I am loving cashew cheese at the moment, but i’m not loving the price! Which is why I plan to have a go at making my own. I found this fermented cashew cheese recipe which I plan to try! If you haven’t tasted Cashew Cheese yet, I highly recommend it, especially on some toasted sourdough with a sprinkle of paprika! Yum! And the best news is, it’s super healthy for your gut – bonus 🙂


Soul Music

I’d love to share this beautiful song by India Arie titled I Am Light. A timely reminder that whatever we are going through, however we are feeling, at our very core we are love and light. Each day we get to reshape ourselves, to reinvent and recreate our experiences based on this recognition. I hope you tune in for a listen…

On this Soulful Sunday, I wish you a peaceful week ahead. Trust that you are safe and secure, even in your vulnerable self. Be open to receiving the support you need. And remember, your biggest Source of support lies within; connect with it, ask for what you need – and above all else, remember your own strength.

Soul Sisters

A fellow writer who I admire for always writing from the heart and saying it ‘how it is’, is Tanya from The Incurable Dreamer. She has the ability to make me laugh out loud whilst also bringing a heartfelt tear to my eye. One of my favourite posts Tanya has written is A Storm So Perfect , where she embodies her vulnerable self so well. Head on over for a valuable read!

Love Always,

Hayley xx

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Soulful Sunday #52: Slow Down

Nature Does Not Hurry

Welcome to my fifty-second instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’; a weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

As I move deeper into my Third trimester, if there’s one thing pregnancy is really teaching me, it is to SLOW DOWN. As Lao Tzu so profoundly reminds us:

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

– Lao Tzu

It’s so easy to become caught in the lists of ‘To Do’s’ and ‘musts’ and ‘shoulds’ when we live in a society governed by time. But when we let go of the need to ‘hurry’ – time expands. It is from this expansive space that our actions become inspired, rather than ruled by frantic doing.

As we move into a new week, I encourage you to slow down and tune in. Notice if your actions become more purposeful (and pleasurable) as a result.

Soul Strolls

Walking has been my favourite form of exercise during pregnancy, along with yoga. But having recently moved house to an unfamiliar area, my daily walk came to a screeching halt. For a whole month!

And boy did I feel it; physically AND emotionally.

You see, walking doesn’t just keep me fit and active, walking INVIGORATES me. It brings me new perspective and fresh insight, allowing me to step away from the daily grind to just appreciate, breathe and BE.
As I move closer and closer to my due date, it’s my hope to go slow and steady, just like nature. To trust that everything will fall into place, with little need for ‘hurry’.
Where in your life can you embrace the power of nature and SLOW DOWN, trusting that all will be accomplished at the right time?
Grasslands Reserve
Soul Food
Soul food for me this Sunday was a simple cook up with my man. Naughty, but nice. Life is about balance, and you can’t beat a good old fashioned breakfast of hashbrowns and scrambled eggs whilst listening to some country music! Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that bring us the most pleasure.
scrambled eggs!

Stapleton and scrambled eggs – yum!

Soul Music
Since Chris Stapleton’s velvety tones soothed our souls over breakfast this morning, it seems appropriate to share one of his many incredible tracks. One of our favourite songs reminds us that love is the most potent of riches, and it is with this song I wish you a millionaire of love.
Soul Connections
I’d love to share this simplistic yet profound poem titled Sip Your Coffee Nice and Slow  by Kamal at Boundless Blessings.
Head on over for a nice, heartwarming reminder to enjoy the slow.
Wishing you a slow, soulful Sunday filled with love and simple riches.
Love Always,
Hayley xx

Soulful Sunday #51: Inspired Action

Welcome to my fifty first instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’; a weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Hello Soul Friends,

I haven’t posted a Soulful Sunday post for two weeks, and am so grateful to be reconnecting with my usual weekly feature. In saying that, I enjoyed the break and freedom from my usual routine, which I spent camping over the Easter weekend and moving house the following.

For the last two Sunday’s I could hear myself saying…. “I SHOULD write my Sunday post…” even when I didn’t feel inspired to do so. I was present with my friends camping in nature…and then present to the process of moving house. Writing felt like a ‘should.’ This weekend, I’m feeling very much inspired to write. The space has opened up. And I am fully present to the writing process. Ahhh. Now doesn’t that feel better?

Sometimes we forget that it’s ok to ease up from our daily duties when other matters take centre stage for a while. If there is something that is feeling like a ‘should’ to you, then ask yourself:

Why do I feel obligated to do this?

What is the outcome of me not doing it?

Why am I feeling resistance towards doing this?

Is there a better time for me to attend to this or is this something I can eliminate altogether?

Then take action accordingly.

Soul Reflections

This week I’ve been sitting with the feeling of ‘inspired action.’ Letting go of the ‘shoulds’ and connecting more deeply with what inspires me. Of course, there are certain responsibilities we must tend to each day, daily duties that require our attention. Duties that, with a small shift in perspective can be tackled from a place of gratitude for renewed vigour.

But I also invite you to consider where in your life you can carve out some space for INSPIRED ACTION.  The answer may just lie in letting go of some of the ‘shoulds’ that take up unnecessary time – time fillers or distractions designed to keep us from doing what we feel most inspired to do. We all have them: responding to non-urgent emails/messages, sorting out the junk drawer, scrolling through social media, getting caught up in the drama on television or real life.

Instead, turn off any distractions and get still. Take a pen and paper and begin to free write. Let your heart run wild and free. If you weren’t bound by limitations, what would you be doing? What would your life look like? Now ask yourself – What action can I take today to bring my dreams closer to my reality?

Today, see if you can take one small step in the direction of your dreams.

Soul Strolls

Before our house move last weekend, we managed to get away for the long Easter weekend break. On a whim, we decided to join our friends camping near Mount Bogong, the highest mountain in Victoria, Australia.

We arrived a day later than the rest of the tribe, and so missed the trek to the top of the mountain. At 6 months pregnant, I didn’t feel too bummed about that. It was still nice to join our friends around the camp fire for an evening of relaxing, connecting and enjoying camp food. And to our surprise, we woke in the morning to find that the Easter Bunny had paid us a visit!


My man looking very happy with his chocolate egg!

Soul Food

I want to share this delicious  Pork, Pineapple and Coconut Curry from one of my favourite wellness bloggers, Alice Nicholls. I opted to cook it in the stock pot which meant the pork was melt-in-the-mouth tender by the time we arrived home. I also added some Bok Choy. This is such a yummy, heart-warming dish perfect for the cooler Melbourne weather.


Soul Music

In light of us catching our dreams and turning them into reality, I’d like to share this soothing track titled Dreamcatcher by Kamal. Why not have a listen and become lost in its magical melody as you manifest your dreams into reality?

Soul Sisters

Today, I’d like to share Brittany’s post, Living Large Through Little Things, who aptly reminds us that sometimes, inspired action can simply mean tending to the ‘little things’, which are actually the big things. Head on over for an inspirational, and heartwarming read.

Wishing each and every one of you an inspired Sunday. Now go catch those dreams!

Love Always,

Hayley xx



Soulful Sunday #47: Inevitable Disagreements

disagreements (1)

Welcome to my forty-seventh instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a
roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

I have long held the opinion that arguments are unavoidable. Those who claim ‘Oh we never argue!’ I suspect to be dishonest or slightly delusional. Healthy relationships are not about NEVER disagreeing, but more about HOW we disagree.

How would we ever learn, grow and expand our world if we all just agreed? Besides, life would be very boring and monotonous.

The more we are able to engage in enthusiastic disagreement with each other, the more we will be able to uncover the best in ourselves and each other. – Karen Kimsey-House

Whilst disagreements aren’t avoidable, there ARE healthy and unhealthy ways to argue. I resonate with this quote by Dave Willis:

In marriage disagreements are inevitable but disrespect is a choice.

I believe this to be true in any relationship, be it with a partner, parent, sibling, friend or complete stranger. Maintaining respect for another during conflict eases our ability to heal and find harmony afterwards. On the other hand, disrespect, especially when repeated, often leads to irreparable suffering and resentment.

The key to finding unity is forgiveness, and it is far easier to forgive when a high degree of dignity is maintained during disagreements than if we say or do something we may later regret.

Next time you are triggered in the thick of conflict, before you hurl insults, or cause verbal or even physical harm to another, remember the severity of suffering this one senseless act can cause. Vow instead to view any disagreement as an opportunity to grow, to learn more about yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, and those of another.

This is how we stand united in our division.

Soul Strolls

My partner and I finally managed to get away camping this weekend. We visited Yanakee near Wilson’s Prom, a beautiful campsite close to the waters edge.

Like with any relationship, there were moments of discord coupled with moments of pure surrender and softness. I wouldn’t trade any of the more challenging moments during our trip, because they each taught me something about myself and my man. And, yes! whilst there were moments we wanted to tear each other’s hair out, at the end of our trip we stood united, smiling and holding one another in earnest.

In my life, I have experienced deep levels of disrespect. I have felt firsthand suffering and pain as a result. Today, I stand tall in forgiveness. I am grateful for every experience so far, for they each taught me new levels of being and living in this world.


Yanakee, Melbourne

Like this colourful ocean before me, there are moments of unrest and moments of calm – but deep down at it’s very core, all is perfect, pure and still.

Soul Food

Soul food this weekend was camp food! I created these little Parma Cups based on an Aussie fave, Parmigiana. All the yumminess of a traditional Parmi placed into little puff pastry cups. Perfect for an Aussie camping trip.

IMG_1900 (1)

Soul Music

Waking up surrounded by nature certainly created for a ‘dreamy Sunday morning’. So I am sharing Clouds by Hugo Kant so that you too may experience dreaminess, wherever you may be.

Soul Sisters

Today I am sharing Bernice’s post, Your Eyes Are The Mirror To Your Soul. A beautiful reminder that respect includes oneself. Head on over for some beautiful affirmative statements that embody all that you are through the power of mirror work and self-love!

Wishing you all a dreamy Sunday.

Love always,

Hayley xx

Soulful Sunday #42: Birthday Wishes

time alone

Welcome to my forty-second instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

This week I have been like a little hedgehog in hibernation. I am working on my book proposal for the Hay House Writers Workshop Competition and at one point, I became so overwhelmed with the realisation that I’d over commitment myself to friends and family, that I had a little anxious cry. I took a deep breathe and reached out to explain my intentions to complete my submission on time. Sure enough, I was met with nothing but compassion and understanding – and that is exactly why I can safely call my friends ‘friends’. Real friends understand.

Just as time spent with friends and loved ones is crucial for a happy existence, so is time spent alone.

Honouring our alone time is essential for balance and renewal. During these stolen moments of solitude we reconnect with ourselves; our deepest dreams, wishes, hopes and desires.

Taking a break from the world doesn’t mean that we care any less for our friends and family, it simply means that we love them enough to take care of ourselves first. We cannot give away what we don’t have. If we are depleted, out of touch with ourselves, tired and run down – how can we give the best of ourselves to others?

Today, take a guilt free moment of peace.

‘Compassion is not complete if it does not include oneself.’
– Allan Lokos.

Know that in serving YOU first, you can better serve the world. When you take the time to connect with who you are; your truest, essential nature – the love and compassion you show for yourself will ultimately bless those you come into contact with.

Soul Strolls

Last weekend it was my birthday, and what better way to turn 33 than to spend it out in nature with my man. We loaded the car and off we drove to Warburton – a peaceful pocket of peace just 90 minutes from home.

We stayed on a lovely rustic farm surrounded by green acres. It was bliss. And we even made a little friend!


We explored rain-forests and revelled in the tranquil outdoors. I loved these luscious green ferns and the way they slowly unravel into their full expansiveness over time… A beautiful unfolding of life right there.


The sound of the rushing waterfalls and the smell of the forest ferns was intoxicating. As Mother Nature enveloped us in her tranquil hug, I couldn’t help but feel at peace.


Soul Food

Last weekend I decided to treat myself since it was my birthday! I enjoyed two puddings because I couldn’t decide between the Coconut Chia and Rasberry pudding and the Peanut Butter and Almond Milk Oats – so I bought both! Yum! I plan to replicate both of these and will share the recipe once I perfect them 🙂

Soul Music & Soul Sisters

On our way back from Warburton, we stopped in to visit my good friend and fellow blogger, Miriam Blaker from Out & About. I had the pleasure of being serenaded buy this sweet soul who’s voice is just simply Divine. What made the moment even more special, was the song that Miriam sang for us was written by another soul sister and fellow blogger of ours, Deb from Once Upon A Hot Flash. 

You can hear Miriam singing Deb’s song on Miriam’s latest post here!

Co-creation at it’s best!


Birthday wishes really do come true. For my birthday, I had wished for a magical weekend of balance and calm, and to be surrounded by nature and those who are nearest and dearest to me – especially since my family live on the other side of the world…

I can honestly say, all of my wishes came true ❤

Here’s to finding balance, to following our dreams, and to heartfelt wishes fulfilled.

In love & light,

Hayley xx

Soulful Sunday #40: The Sweet & Simple

the sweet simple things (1)

Welcome to my fortieth instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

Since I read An Artists Way last year by Julia Cameron, I try to journal most days. I love to write, and so find this part of my day therapeutic. It’s a chance to connect with myself, my thoughts and feelings, and to let go of anything that may be troubling me. Cameron suggest we try ‘morning pages’ – a stream of (unedited) consciousness of no less than three pages upon awakening. It’s great for clearing the mind of any mental chatter before we begin our day. This powerful ritual brings our awareness to any repetitive thoughts patterns, habits or new insights we may be experiencing.

Lately, I added a fourth page titled ‘Cherished Moments’ which I write in the evening before sleep. I’m not one for writing about every little detail of my day, but being the sentimental soul that I am, I do like to capture the magic in the mundane, those moments that truly matter to me.

My ‘Cherished Moments’ are simply that – moments that I cherish the most from each day – a gratitude list if you wish, or a history of the ‘sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.’

Today, may you cherish each moment and savour those that leave lasting footprints on your heart.

Soul Strolls

I am currently house sitting for my friend in Mentone for three weeks whilst I care for his two cats and his dog, Bambi. Bambi was found on the side of the road as a pup, beaten and left for dead. A nervous, yet sweet, tender soul with a loving disposition, she enjoys walking. And so do I! A match made in heaven… 🙂

Here’s Bambi soaking up the beach vibes… whilst the cats chill out at home on the sofa! 😉

IMG_0392IMG_0419IMG_0426 (1)IMG_0433

Soul Food

I have been working some long days this term, and have turned to quick, easy dinners which can also be used the next day for leftovers, like my Scrambled Tofu & Veggie Spaghetti. It is quick, simple and yummy. Winning!

scrambled tofu & veggie spaghetti

Soul Music

Today I am sharing this magical track which literally lifted me up and set me on fire! The video is stunning and the message is one of simple purpose and Divine magic.

Soul Sisters

I have been focusing on the simple things in life this week, and so has my good friend and fellow blogger, Miriam. I feel compelled to share Miriam’s post titled The Calm Hour. A magical post of beauty and wisdom, Miriam reminds us to savour the simple and embrace the stillness within. I urge you to head over to Miriam’s delightful page! I always leave feeling uplifted and inspired…

Wishing you all a simple Sunday of stillness, peace and cherished moments.

In love & light,

Hayley xx

Soulful Sunday #38: Goodbye Bad Habits

bad habits

Welcome to my thirty-seventh instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

The first day of October, a chance to begin again. For me, the first day of a new month offers opportunity for fresh intentions. In September, my focus was SELF CARE. I felt I made some great progress here; increasing my yoga practice, spending more time in nature and walking daily, setting healthier boundaries and saying ‘no’ to demands on my time, saying ‘yes’ to life. Yet, I noticed there were still parts of my life that remained imbalanced, that no longer supported my self care regime. One of those was the presence of alcohol.

I don’t drink often, but when I do, I wake the next morning feeling drained, depleted and even somewhat depressed. Which is why my focus for October is ABSTINENCE. I will be having a sober October with the hope to remain sober thereafter. At the age of 32, I realise that alcohol no longer serves me. Therefore, I am choosing to end my rocky eighteen year relationship with it. I wish to let go of this old habit of mine that simply does not support me, my health or the health of my relationships.

What are your intentions for this new month? Remember, you can do anything you tune your heart and soul into.

Soul Strolls

The weather has been warming up here in Melbourne, which means more opportunity to get outside! I captured these pretty white flowers whilst out walking with my man last week in Gardeners Creek. I feel blessed that my partner has taken to joining me on my walks, a shared experience I do not take for granted.


Soul Music

I’d love to share Angel by The Wings by Sia – a beautiful, uplifting track that comes as a timely reminder that ‘you can do anything.’

Soul Food

I have shared this recipe before, but I will share it again as it really has become a staple in my morning routine. One of the best ways our body can feel energised and healthy is through the consumption of more greens, particularly leafy greens such as spinach and kale. My Kiwi and Kale Green Juice has the perfect balance of citrus and greens to leave you feeling vibrant and fresh. Give it a try, it really is delicious.

green juice

Soul Sisters

On this Soulful Sunday, I would like to share Michelle’s post Sunrise Sermon: New Life. Michelle’s post reminds us that if we take care of our vessel, anything is possible. And should we wish to feel more fulfilled, we must nurture our dreams and our souls. Michelle also invites you to join her Community of Trailblazers to empower and support your journey!

Wishing you all an intentional Sunday and first of the month.

In love & light,

Hayley xx


Soulful Sunday # 37: Love The Moment

hayley&daleyWelcome to my thirty-seventh instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

Today, I’m reminded to love the moment I’m in. So often we are pulled this way and that. We race from one thing to another, rarely immersed in the present; already thinking of ‘next.’ To live consciously takes practice – a dedication to catch oneself whenever tempted to drift.

Here I am enjoying my drum lesson with my man, who took a sneaky shot whilst I was playing. We both love music. I love this photo as it captured a moment I was loving, with a person I love with all my heart. How sweet when we love the moment we are in?

Soul Strolls

Later, we took a soul stroll. Following our noses, we came across this beautiful park with a flowing river. Curious, we decided to go off the beaten track and cross the river. As we crossed, we paused for a moment on the rocks to listen to the rhythm and flow of nature.

The river served as a reminder to go with the flow; to trust the direction of life.


Soul Music

I am loving listening to Deuter at the moment. I find his music beautifully enchanting and soulful, full of emotive rifts and melodies. In keeping with the theme of flowing with life, I’d like to share a track called Sound of Invisible Waters. It really is quite stunning. Sometimes the magic of life flows by – invisible, unnoticed. Yet if we tune in to ourselves and our surroundings – we tap into that invisible flow. That is where the magic happens.

Soul Food

I made this delicious chocolate mousse at the weekend, except, I decided to infuse mine with DoTerra’s Wild Orange essential oil instead of peppermint. It went down a treat with my guests, who all agreed it tasty divine.  I love that this recipe combines two of my favourite things; essential oils and chocolate, to pack a punch of yummy goodness into my tum. Health is wealth – you really can have your cake and eat it.


Here’s my chocolate orange version!

chocco mousse

Soul Sisters

I’d love to share this post by Girly Christian who shares 10 Ways To Show Kindness. One way we can begin to enter the flow of life is to live mindfully and purposefully. We can do this by spreading love and kindness.

Today, on this soulful Sunday – may we spread seeds of joy, accept life as it is, and love the moment we are in.

In love & light,

Hayley xx