Dear Dad

Dear Dad, as I sit here on the Eve of Christmas watching our baby boy play, I can’t help but wish you were here; yet…something in the twinkle of his eye and the curve of his smile tells me you are 💙

I will always love you, I will never forget you… Thank you for being my Dad, my hero, our guiding star 💫

Here’s to those special souls who cannot be with us this Christmas; whose presence, though deeply missed, will be always be felt,

Love always,

Hayley xx

Happiness, A Direction

I was saddened to hear an old school friend recently passed, leaving behind his family and son. I later learned he’d battled with depression. My heart felt heavy.

So many who feel burdened, or that they are a burden on others, feel their only answer is to take matters into their own hands. So many lives lost, so many hurting families are left to pick up the broken pieces. It’s times like this I remember how important my mindfulness and emotional awareness work with children really is. Could depression really be prevented by teaching children self awareness and emotional regulation? I believe so.

How often have you heard, or even repeated this line: “I’ll be happy when… *insert perceived doorway to happiness here*

This is part of the problem we face; feeling powerless and placing our happiness on external events, but happiness is not OUT THERE. Happiness is not a place in the future we have yet to arrive at. It’s in here 👉🏻❤️

Happiness is an inside job, it’s a feeling, a choice, a direction of focus, a decision to be grateful regardless of our circumstances. It’s also an act of self love, a recognition of our own self worth.

Once we realise that possessions and people are not the primary source of our happiness, we can begin to take control of our own peace and joy.

“But my husband makes me happy? My children are a great source of joy…My home brings me peace…” All very true and valid statements, to which I relate to every one. I adore our home for the sanctuary it brings and I love my family unconditionally. They stimulate my joy and happiness all the time. (Notice how I said MY joy.) They awaken the happiness that ALREADY EXISTS within me by their sheer existence and presence in my life. And whilst that means my joy would be severely depleted if ever they were to leave, ultimately, my happiness would still remain, even if a little more dormant. It would be up to me to choose (or not choose) to reawaken my joy.

‘Where our attention goes, energy flows.’

And it’s precisely this flow of energy that drives our experiences and ultimately, our sense of happiness. Some days it’s harder than others, some days we just need to feel all the feels and that’s ok too. Just remember, if those days turn into weeks, months and even years, it’s ALWAYS ok to reach out and ask for help.

Today, may you feel the deep sense of peace within you. May all the people and circumstances you meet stir the infinite well of joy in your soul.

Love always,

Hayley xx

Roses and Thorns

Life is full of duality; love – hate; light – dark, peace – war; up – down; good – evil; life – death…

Life is a bed of roses when everything is going smoothly and all we feel is love, peace, harmony and joy. But when life’s contrasts show up, which inevitably they do, they are often met with some resistance.

But the ‘thorns’ of life form a necessary part of our existence. Without them, how would we know and come to appreciate their opposite?

For example, how can we be fully alive without the knowledge that one day we will meet death? How can we feel warmth without having first experienced cold? How can we know the fullness of true love if we’ve yet to meet with heartache and pain?

Instead of viewing life’s contrasts as something ‘bad’ to be avoided, we can begin to appreciate the learning and growth we gain from such moments.

We needn’t LOVE the thorns as such, but we do need to respect them; for every rose in life bares thorns of wisdom🌹

Love always,

Hayley xx

Thank you

I’ll be the first to testify that the more we are grateful for the things we have in life; the more life provides us with things to be grateful for.

So why is gratitude the first thing we let slide the moment the shit hits the fan?

A good friend of mine recently said; “It’s easy to be grateful when all of your ducks are lined up… But if you can look for the good and stay grateful when life is a struggle, THAT’s when the real magic happens.” Wise words 🙏🏻

Today, see the beauty in all situations. Even the ones that are there to test you. Because ultimately, those are the experiences that urge you to grow, to evolve and to expand your horizons.

And that is why I’m choosing to see the beauty in my sadness today…

On this day 13 years ago heaven needed another angel, and decided you were the one Dad..

In your memory, I’d like to reflect on the gifts you blessed me with in hope that I can offer my baby the same unconditional love you bestowed upon me as a little girl.

💫 Bear hugs. I was never too old or too grumpy to receive one of your warm bear hugs. And even if I was, and tried to side step your cuddles – you’d stretch out your arm and reel me in with an anaconda type grip that said: “You’re receiving my love, grumpy or not, now take it!” …I will never deny my son a hug… (Even if he’s being a little sh*t 😝)

💫 Your weirdness. Your humour was unique, unapologetic and had us all in fits of belly laughter! I will teach my son to embrace his weirdness and to never apologise for who he is!

💫 Protection. Your nature was gentle and loving, but MY GOD if anyone ever interfered with our happiness you were FIERCELY protective and would shield us with your strength. I will teach my son to be his own pillar of strength should anyone ever threaten his sense of self.

💫 Humbleness. You faced many adversities during your brief time here, yet you remained humble throughout. Rarely did I hear you complaining or wishing for things to be different… I will teach my son that he is always enough and to count his blessings, even in times of adversity.

Thank you for everything that you taught me Dad 🙏🏻

Loving you always, forgetting you never 🙏🏻💙 xx

Beautiful Pulsating Life

This week my partner flew to New Zealand to be by his Uncles side as he transitioned from this lifetime.

Losing loved ones is never easy, and being so close to death certainly gives cause for reflection of the important things in life; family, relationships, connection…

Today, take a moment to give thanks for those simple blessings we often take for granted – those things that money can’t buy; air in your lungs to breathe, limbs to move freely, laughter in your heart, the earth beneath your feet, someone to love and to hold…LIFE beautiful pulsating life.

Life can be ever so fleeting. Let us not waste it longing for what we do not have, when we can give thanks for all that is already ours.

Love always,

Hayley xx

Soulful Sunday #47: Treasured Friendships

faithful Friend (1)

Welcome to my forty-seventh instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a
roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

As an introvert with a Scorpio sun-sign born in the year of the Rat, I fiercely value family, loyalty and authentic connection. I rarely surround myself with large numbers of frivolous friendships, choosing instead to keep a close circle of faithful friends, my chosen family, near to my heart.

When one discovers deep connection, then one has found a faithful friend. It doesn’t matter how often you meet, what matters is the love, trust and acceptance you share.

If you can place your heart in another’s hands and trust it is safe, held, and protected – when you’re at your best and when you’re at your worst – then you are blessed with an unbreakable bond that will survive all kinds of weather.

Such kindred spirits can be found in a parent, child, sibling, partner, teacher, friend or pet. It’s that instant recognition, that feeling of coming home, that moment when you know you can be completely yourself, free from fear or judgement.

Cherish those connections as you walk along this journey – because they are the true treasures in life.

Soul Strolls

Soul strolling this weekend took place in Warburton. This quaint country town is just an hours drive from Melbourne and a true treasure to visit. We enjoyed lazing by the river, getting our feet wet and exploring local walks and forestry.

On our way home we stopped for lunch with a treasured friend and fellow blogger, Miriam from Out an About and her husband, Doug. The food was scrumptious and the company was deliciously nourishing! I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful connection here in Melbourne, and what’s even more special is that our friendship was first formed whilst connecting here on WordPress.

If you know local bloggers that you resonate with, I encourage you to reach out and connect! You may just discover a kindred spirit like I did.

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Kindred Spirits

Soul Music

Keeping with the theme of treasured friendships, I would like to share this stunning meditative track, Kindred Spirit by Deuter. Go on, I dare you to have a listen and become lost in its peaceful, healing vibes.

Soul Sisters

I would like to share Miriam’s stunning post, Planting Dreams. When Miriam told me of her serendipitous moment over lunch, I literally had goosebumps. The miracles that appear when we open our hearts to the Universe is beyond magic, and that’s what Miriam is tapping into, the magical creative force that emerges when we are in the flow of creativity, abundance and trust.

I hope your Sunday is filled with faith, deep connection and many many miracles.

Love Always,

Hayley xx

Heavy Hearts


Don’t be afraid to cry. There is nothing wrong with releasing those tears and letting them flow with grace and ease.

Honour your emotions. No need to hide or pretend or to put on a brave face.

However overwhelmed or lost you may feel, trust that you are safe, loved and protected. The Universe always has your back, even when you feel like turning your back on the world.

FEEL what you need to feel; every ounce of hurt, anger, sadness, pain, loss and despair. And then release. Surrender. Allow.

Trust that like the changing tides, you will move, shift and evolve from this experience. You have not come this far in your journey to be defeated and deflated now. You ARE strong. You ARE Divine. You are perfectly loved, loveable, loving, whole and complete. And nobody or circumstance can ever take that away from you.

You’ve got this.

Love always,

Hayley xx

Soulful Sunday #47: Inevitable Disagreements

disagreements (1)

Welcome to my forty-seventh instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a
roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

I have long held the opinion that arguments are unavoidable. Those who claim ‘Oh we never argue!’ I suspect to be dishonest or slightly delusional. Healthy relationships are not about NEVER disagreeing, but more about HOW we disagree.

How would we ever learn, grow and expand our world if we all just agreed? Besides, life would be very boring and monotonous.

The more we are able to engage in enthusiastic disagreement with each other, the more we will be able to uncover the best in ourselves and each other. – Karen Kimsey-House

Whilst disagreements aren’t avoidable, there ARE healthy and unhealthy ways to argue. I resonate with this quote by Dave Willis:

In marriage disagreements are inevitable but disrespect is a choice.

I believe this to be true in any relationship, be it with a partner, parent, sibling, friend or complete stranger. Maintaining respect for another during conflict eases our ability to heal and find harmony afterwards. On the other hand, disrespect, especially when repeated, often leads to irreparable suffering and resentment.

The key to finding unity is forgiveness, and it is far easier to forgive when a high degree of dignity is maintained during disagreements than if we say or do something we may later regret.

Next time you are triggered in the thick of conflict, before you hurl insults, or cause verbal or even physical harm to another, remember the severity of suffering this one senseless act can cause. Vow instead to view any disagreement as an opportunity to grow, to learn more about yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, and those of another.

This is how we stand united in our division.

Soul Strolls

My partner and I finally managed to get away camping this weekend. We visited Yanakee near Wilson’s Prom, a beautiful campsite close to the waters edge.

Like with any relationship, there were moments of discord coupled with moments of pure surrender and softness. I wouldn’t trade any of the more challenging moments during our trip, because they each taught me something about myself and my man. And, yes! whilst there were moments we wanted to tear each other’s hair out, at the end of our trip we stood united, smiling and holding one another in earnest.

In my life, I have experienced deep levels of disrespect. I have felt firsthand suffering and pain as a result. Today, I stand tall in forgiveness. I am grateful for every experience so far, for they each taught me new levels of being and living in this world.


Yanakee, Melbourne

Like this colourful ocean before me, there are moments of unrest and moments of calm – but deep down at it’s very core, all is perfect, pure and still.

Soul Food

Soul food this weekend was camp food! I created these little Parma Cups based on an Aussie fave, Parmigiana. All the yumminess of a traditional Parmi placed into little puff pastry cups. Perfect for an Aussie camping trip.

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Soul Music

Waking up surrounded by nature certainly created for a ‘dreamy Sunday morning’. So I am sharing Clouds by Hugo Kant so that you too may experience dreaminess, wherever you may be.

Soul Sisters

Today I am sharing Bernice’s post, Your Eyes Are The Mirror To Your Soul. A beautiful reminder that respect includes oneself. Head on over for some beautiful affirmative statements that embody all that you are through the power of mirror work and self-love!

Wishing you all a dreamy Sunday.

Love always,

Hayley xx

Prisoners of the Past

let go of your past

The past has a funny way of creeping up on us. Just when we thought we were free from it’s constraints,  we suddenly find ourselves prisoners of the past once more.

So how do we free ourselves from this unwelcome visitor?  The key is to recognise the patterns in Past’s behaviour.

When does Past come knocking? When does Past knock the loudest? When is Past’s presence so insistent that he imposes on your present day peace and happiness?

You may not be able to prevent Past from visiting, but you CAN be prepared. You might start by politely requesting he move on. If he is insistent, tell him to fuck off and jog on! You have a right to close the door on Past, just as you have the freedom to open the door to Present and Future.

The truth is, Past will always come knocking, and often unexpectedly. But YOU have the power to choose what to do when he does.

Be not a prisoner of your own home. Free yourself.

‘Stand up and walk out of your history.’

Dr. Phil McGraw

Love Always,

Hayley xx

New Beginnings

First day back in Melbourne after a 3 week trip to New Zealand. Whilst the holiday may have come to an end and I’m reminiscing of long days in Mother Nature, it’s no use wishing I was back in NZ countryside instead of returning to work tomorrow.

There is so much to embrace NOW.

There are no endings really, only new beginnings. This journey we’re on is full of the unexpected. It’s unpredictable, exciting, wonky, weird, wonderful, scary and magical all at the same time. Why waste it wishing you were somewhere other than here? Why wallow in the past or fret over the future when there is so much to be grateful for now?

Today, smile and breathe. Trust that you are precisely where you’re supposed to be at this point in time on your path.

Who knows what beauty and magic awaits you? Have faith that any endings you are experiencing are simply a transition into something beautiful and new.

Love always,

Hayley xx