Soulful Sunday #53: Be Your Vulnerable Self

secret sorrows

Welcome to my fifty-third instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’; a weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my dreams and intentions for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

This week I’ve been sitting with my vulnerabilities and allowing myself to feel into what arises, trusting that it’s all there to teach me and to help me to grow.

How many of us automatically reply “I’m well thank you!” when asked how we are, when in actual fact – we are not ok? We feel we are burdensome or negative company if we actually share what’s really going on.

Today, I’d like you to consider what support may be available to you if you showed up in your authentic state and gave yourself permission to be vulnerable and open. Remember, in doing so you allow others to do the same.

Let us let go of the surface level interactions we’ve maintained as our shield of protection and be willing to dive deep.

Allow yourself to receive the support you need. You are worthy.

Soul Strolls

With 9 weeks of pregnancy left, I am still continuing my soul strolls around my neighbourhood. I’m finding it’s not long before I have to empty my bladder these days so I can’t stray too far from home. But even around the local area there is much beauty to be found.


‘If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.’ – Vincent Van Gogh

Soul Food

I am loving cashew cheese at the moment, but i’m not loving the price! Which is why I plan to have a go at making my own. I found this fermented cashew cheese recipe which I plan to try! If you haven’t tasted Cashew Cheese yet, I highly recommend it, especially on some toasted sourdough with a sprinkle of paprika! Yum! And the best news is, it’s super healthy for your gut – bonus 🙂


Soul Music

I’d love to share this beautiful song by India Arie titled I Am Light. A timely reminder that whatever we are going through, however we are feeling, at our very core we are love and light. Each day we get to reshape ourselves, to reinvent and recreate our experiences based on this recognition. I hope you tune in for a listen…

On this Soulful Sunday, I wish you a peaceful week ahead. Trust that you are safe and secure, even in your vulnerable self. Be open to receiving the support you need. And remember, your biggest Source of support lies within; connect with it, ask for what you need – and above all else, remember your own strength.

Soul Sisters

A fellow writer who I admire for always writing from the heart and saying it ‘how it is’, is Tanya from The Incurable Dreamer. She has the ability to make me laugh out loud whilst also bringing a heartfelt tear to my eye. One of my favourite posts Tanya has written is A Storm So Perfect , where she embodies her vulnerable self so well. Head on over for a valuable read!

Love Always,

Hayley xx

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Heavy Hearts


Don’t be afraid to cry. There is nothing wrong with releasing those tears and letting them flow with grace and ease.

Honour your emotions. No need to hide or pretend or to put on a brave face.

However overwhelmed or lost you may feel, trust that you are safe, loved and protected. The Universe always has your back, even when you feel like turning your back on the world.

FEEL what you need to feel; every ounce of hurt, anger, sadness, pain, loss and despair. And then release. Surrender. Allow.

Trust that like the changing tides, you will move, shift and evolve from this experience. You have not come this far in your journey to be defeated and deflated now. You ARE strong. You ARE Divine. You are perfectly loved, loveable, loving, whole and complete. And nobody or circumstance can ever take that away from you.

You’ve got this.

Love always,

Hayley xx

To Live Is Choice

choose how to live
To live is a choice. The question is; How are YOU choosing to live? With grace, humility, gratitude, courage and reverence? Or with resistance, pride, constant complaining, fear and nonchalance?

Believe me, I know how easy it is to fall into a state of dissatisfaction. To find the light in each moment is a CHOICE we must make, and on some days that can take immense effort.  But choosing to look at what’s right, rather than what’s wrong is a choice that rewards deep dividends in emotional well-being and content.

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.

Today, look to what’s good. Choose to live in ways that bring you simple joys of pleasure and peace, or better still – do something that makes your heart sing and your soul dance!

One of the best way to achieve peace and fulfilment is to live a life of authenticity, one that’s in complete alignment with your soul’s wishes. Too run down to go on that dinner date? Reschedule. Your real friends will understand. Run yourself a hot bath and relax instead. Love the colour red but always play it safe with black? Make a statement and purchase some killer red heals. Always wanted to to take up dancing but can never find the time or money to? Don’t delay and book a class today!

Whatever it is that makes YOUR soul happy, do it. That is how we must aim to live.

Love Always,

Hayley xx


Believe You Can

believe you can

Self-belief vs. self-doubt. We have each experienced the ongoing battle between our authentic self and our ego.

Our authentic self nurtures, inspires and champions our deepest dreams and wishes. She speaks to us in gentle tones, igniting our soul with a deep sense of faith and optimism. Everyone is united on this sacred path towards healing and joy. Love and abundance really is available to all.

And then, there’s our ego.

Our ego sees the world as separate. She’s the Boss Bitch of the Itty Bitty Shitty Committee whose greatest strength lies in comparison and competition. She’ll do anything in her power to have us believe in a fearful existence where scarcity is rife. Life is an uphill struggle, and one must be ruthless to get ahead.

Which voice we listen to is a matter of choice.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.

– Henry Ford

This weekend I attended the Hay House Writers Workshop in Sydney, Australia. As I sat in the audience with five hundred people, all who shared the same dream as I – that familiar battle between my inner champion and my inner saboteur ensued: ‘…I stand just as good a chance as anyone else in this room of becoming a published Author…’ “Pfh. Who are you kidding? What makes you think you’ve got what it takes? You may as well stick to what you know and avoid looking foolish…’ ‘When the time is right, we will all fulfil our purpose, Divine Timing is at work in each of our lives. Persevere…and trust.’ ‘Yeah right! This is your last chance dreamer. How many more times are you going to try before you realise this dream is just that – a dream?’

And that’s when I dropped kicked that Boss Bitch in the head. (Ok – so my recent Wonder Woman fix may have aroused my inner Amazonian warrior) – but if it takes multiple death defying roundhouse kicks to defeat that dreaded Ego – then I am definitely in with a grin! Skimpy body armour suit and all.

Today, silence that inner saboteur and drop kick that bitch in the head. Remember, self-belief is the most potent antidote for old worn-out, limiting beliefs.

In love & light,

Hayley xx

Free Yourself.



There comes a time when we must be free. Free from the binds of the past and the limitations it has imposed upon us.

Have you been feeling trapped or misaligned from your truth? Maybe you relinquished control to another? Did you compromise on your values in order to keep the peace? We may lose our way momentarily and forget who we are, forget all that we stand for – but it is time to let go of all that. It is time to forgive ourselves. For it can happen to the best of us.

As we become attuned to our deepest selves we begin to recognise the ways in which we feel limited or constrained.  In what ways have we handed over our power? In what ways have we sacrificed our own sense of joy and happiness to avoid rocking the boat?

Today make peace with yourself. Make a firm promise to never settle for anything less than your own self-respect and integrity. Now is the time to take back control of your life – to rewrite your story, to step into your truth and reclaim your forgotten sense of freedom. You are entitled to be free. So free yourself. ‘Stand up and walk out of your history.’

In love & light,
Hayley xx


Beyond The Ego


Ahh the ego. We all have one. That shadow side in each of us which grasps, blames, condemns, judges, offends, defends, competes, sabotages, attacks and punishes. And whilst we’d all love to be egoless beings, part of the human experience consists of the contrast between our light and shade. Some days we are triggered, our ego is revealed, and there is little we can do to avoid this. At best we can breathe, notice, and learn to respond rather than react. It’s not our job to judge or condemn the behaviour of others, nor should we criticise our own momentary descents into the ego.

At a soul level, we are all equally loveable, perfect, whole and complete.

Beyond our egos, we each possess within us a light of awareness; our authentic Self. Our soul. That peaceful part of us that forgives, loves, accepts, understands, inspires, compliments, encourages, nurtures, perseveres, expands and seeks the Truth. We must look beyond our character flaws and discover the perfect soul within. Our aim is to reach a stage where we can say to one another: ‘The soul in me sees the soul in you.’ – regardless of how much pain and suffering has been caused. That is how we forgive – that is how we love; ourselves as well as others.

Today, be unafraid to show that tender side of you. The side of you who is loving and accepting of another’s flaws. For in doing so, we accept our own.

Let us not forget that ‘the authentic self is the soul made visible.’

In love & light,

Hayley xx

Never Too Late

Stop for a moment. Are you living the life you imagined? Or do you daydream of the things you just ‘never got around to doing’?

Maybe you always wanted to learn the piano? Or to dance the Tango? Have you always wanted to travel to Paris or learn to speak French? Maybe you admire women who dare to cut their hair short, yet wear yours long and say “I’d never pull it off anyway…” Have you dreamt of owning a pair of red stiletto heals, yet play it safe with ‘practical’ comfy loafers instead? How many of us look in the mirror and no longer recognise the person staring back at us?

Whatever our wishes and dreams may be, let us not ignore the whispers of our authentic selves any longer. Throw caution to the wind. We may have neglected who we are up until now, but ‘it’s never too late to be who you might have been.’

In Love and Light (and red stilettos) 👠😉

Hayley xx 



Those who respect your boundaries are true blessings indeed. Treasure them, for they are the ones whose unwavering presence and unconditional love will provide the wind under your wings when you most need to fly. They are the ones who will brace your fall when the struggles weigh heavy on your heart. They are the ones whose patience, compassion and gentleness allows you the freedom to choose. Their demands are minimal, their expectations few, they are life’s true blessings indeed.

In contrast, be wary of those who place unnecessary demands on your time. The ones who, when you tell them you are under the pump, or are attending to someone or something dear, or just need to take care of yourself – proceed to guilt trip or black mail you. The ones who remind you of the time they ‘did this’, or the time they ‘did that’, and speak of how you ‘owe’ them in return. They are the ones who prioritise their needs above your own, above your health, above your dreams and above your sanity. The gift that gives with the expectation of a hefty return, is no gift at all – but an investment. Yes. Be wary of those people indeed, for they are a true test of our boundaries and a drain on our health and resources.

Cherish those who allow you the gift of choice. Set boundaries for those who see you as a mere form of exchange.

In love and light,
