Believe You Can

Think you can or can't
You can do all of the preparation in the world to ensure you achieve your end result; you can cover all your bases with prevention methods and tools for success – but if you are lacking that one vital element, all of your carefully laid out plans may well be in vain.

So what is the vital ingredient? SELF-BELIEF.

Belief in oneself, your capabilities and your worth is key for the success of any personal venture. If you have lingering self-doubts or lack trust in your abilities then you are already setting yourself up for failure. That’s not a bad thing. No doubt you will gain some wisdom for the next time…

But if you’d like to avoid there having to be a next time, begin with your mindset today.

Believe YOU CAN. Believe YOU ARE WORTHY and TRUST in yourself.

As I near closer to my birthing and my intentions for a natural, instinctive birth – my mindset matters now more than ever. Because whether I believe I can, or believe I can’t – I am right.

Today, believe you can.

Love Always,
Hayley xx

Believe You Can

believe you can

Self-belief vs. self-doubt. We have each experienced the ongoing battle between our authentic self and our ego.

Our authentic self nurtures, inspires and champions our deepest dreams and wishes. She speaks to us in gentle tones, igniting our soul with a deep sense of faith and optimism. Everyone is united on this sacred path towards healing and joy. Love and abundance really is available to all.

And then, there’s our ego.

Our ego sees the world as separate. She’s the Boss Bitch of the Itty Bitty Shitty Committee whose greatest strength lies in comparison and competition. She’ll do anything in her power to have us believe in a fearful existence where scarcity is rife. Life is an uphill struggle, and one must be ruthless to get ahead.

Which voice we listen to is a matter of choice.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.

– Henry Ford

This weekend I attended the Hay House Writers Workshop in Sydney, Australia. As I sat in the audience with five hundred people, all who shared the same dream as I – that familiar battle between my inner champion and my inner saboteur ensued: ‘…I stand just as good a chance as anyone else in this room of becoming a published Author…’ “Pfh. Who are you kidding? What makes you think you’ve got what it takes? You may as well stick to what you know and avoid looking foolish…’ ‘When the time is right, we will all fulfil our purpose, Divine Timing is at work in each of our lives. Persevere…and trust.’ ‘Yeah right! This is your last chance dreamer. How many more times are you going to try before you realise this dream is just that – a dream?’

And that’s when I dropped kicked that Boss Bitch in the head. (Ok – so my recent Wonder Woman fix may have aroused my inner Amazonian warrior) – but if it takes multiple death defying roundhouse kicks to defeat that dreaded Ego – then I am definitely in with a grin! Skimpy body armour suit and all.

Today, silence that inner saboteur and drop kick that bitch in the head. Remember, self-belief is the most potent antidote for old worn-out, limiting beliefs.

In love & light,

Hayley xx

Go With Heart

Many have ‘failed’ multiple times on the road to fulfilling their dreams. Oprah Whinfrey, Walter Disney, Thomas Edison, Steven Spielberg, J.K. Rowling and Albert Einstein all experienced humiliation and rejection on their path to success.

As J.K Rowling reminds us: 

‘It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.’

Be bold. Be brave. Don’t be afraid of setbacks. 

This weekend I have the honour of attending the Hay House Writers Workshop in Sydney, Australia. This will be my third time pitching my book proposal to one of the worlds most renowned publishing houses. I was almost floored when I received a phone call from one of their authors inviting me to attend the live event. Dreams really do come true. And should I not succeed one hundred times, I will never give up on my dream. Why? Because it lives and breathes within my heart. 

Ever since I decided I wanted to be just like Roald Dahl when I was six years old I knew I was destined to write. If I touch the heart of one person or one million, I have stayed true to my soul.

If you have a dream, don’t just go after it – go after it with all your heart. Dream with intention and know that anything is possible if you just trust and believe in yourself.

In love & light,

Hayley xx 

The Beauty of Your dreams

beauty of dreams
In the pursuit of my dreams I was once challenged with; “What if you fail, Hayley?” My response was the same truth I tell the children I teach; “There are no failures. Only lessons. FAIL stands for First Attempt In Learning.”

If things don’t work out, we can grow from the experience and apply the lessons moving forward. Failure is simply an opportunity for growth and expansion.

On your path to freedom and fulfilment, don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big. There have been moments in my life when the stars have not aligned, but I truly believe that if circumstances don’t work out it’s because a far greater opportunity awaits us or there is more wisdom to be gained. Divine timing is at work in each our lives, so trust in the process of life itself. Believe in the beauty of your dreams and never lose sight of them in the face of adversity.

Your dreams are real. So go after them.

In love & light,

Hayley xx 

Trust In Yourself

trust in yourself
Self-doubt. We all experience it. We’ve all succumbed to that nagging voice of, “I’m not good enough, worthy enough, deserving enough… Who am I to shine? Why would anyone listen to me? I’ll just play small rather than make a fool of myself….”

But as Marianne Williamson reminds us:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?’

– Marianne Williamson

Last week I threw caution to the wind and created a video entry for the Writers Workshop Sydney competition, where I’ll have the opportunity to submit a book proposal if I receive enough votes to attend. I waited two weeks before uploading a video. I was stunted by self-doubt. Some of the thoughts that ran through my head were:

“There are some entries who already have 500 votes…I don’t even have 500 followers! How will I ever obtain that many votes?”

“I entered the competition last year online and my book wasn’t selected then, why would it be selected this time?”

“You’re going to look very silly, Hayley…just leave it up to those who can do it well…”

“I’ve entered far too late anyway, the competition has been running for two weeks, I should have done it at the start…Too late. Why bother?”

I had to dig deep. I had to silence that nagging voice of self-doubt. I had to trust in myself. Every ounce of my being tells me: “Hayley, you came here to teach, and to write. And if it doesn’t happen this time, it will happen at the right time. Keep the faith.”

Our dreams come from the same Divine energy that created us. Our dreams are real. We must trust in ourselves, and go after them. Whatever your wish, whatever you feel called upon to do – throw caution to the wind and go for it. It’s ok to be vulnerable. It’s ok to fail. But don’t let fear of failure or judgement get in the way of your dreams.

Here’s to believing in yourself and going after your dreams. Trust in yourself and know that when you do, ‘you are trusting in the same wisdom that created you.’ – Wayne Dyer.

In love & light,

Hayley xx

If you would like to vote for my video entry and support me on my writing journey, click on the link here. You can click on the word ‘VOTE’, find my video (Hayley) and click on the heart below my video to place your vote. Your support means the world to me xx 



Soulful Sundays #10: Self Acceptance


Welcome to my tenth instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

We have all been there, trapped by feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth. Maybe we’ve been triggered by a comment, or the actions of another, and within moments we find ourselves caught in a land slide of unworthiness and negative self-talk: “What’s the use?…I’m no good at this…she’s far more capable/prettier/skinnier than I am.” Suddenly, we are caught in the dreaded comparison trap. We have forgotten who we are. We have forgotten our innate beauty and unique value upon this spinning axis of life.  It is during these times we must be gentle with ourselves. And most of all, stop looking for outside approval and validity. At our core we are pure love and light. Our presence and contribution on this earth are as significant as the air we breath.

So be kind to yourself. If it helps, write down 5 things you love about yourself. If that seems too difficult in the moment, you may want to begin by listing five things you have done that you are proud of, however great or small that may seem. This simple act can quickly remind us just how amazing we truly are. We are ALL deserving of love. And that love begins first, with you.

Soul Strolls 

Last weekend we were holidaying in the Sunshine Coast for my partner’s 30th birthday. Whilst my English skin got a little burnt despite my best efforts not too, we had some wonderful strolls along the beach. It was lovely to get away and spend some time by the ocean and breath in some salty sea air.


Soul Sounds

On Friday we watched Coldplay live at the Etihad Stadium in Melbourne. I have loved Coldplay since their first album, Parachutes and have been a massive fan ever since. My Dad and I used to listen to Coldplay often, so they hold an extra special place in my heart. From their flawless vocals, magical lighting effects,  evocative lyrics and humbling interaction with the crowd, Coldplay left us with a Head Full of Dreams and a heart full of love. WordPress wont allow me to upload my own video, so I have included the official Head Full of Dreams video, which aptly portrays the mesmorising live atmosphere we experienced, along with a photo I snapped on the night.


Soul Food

I love healthy alternatives to popular puddings, so today I am sharing this Pumpkin Cashew Cream Cake  which I discovered on one of my favourite health and wellness websites, With Christmas around the corner, I’m all about sharing tasty recipes that wont leave us collapsed in a sugar induced food coma for hours! Be sure to let me know if you try this one out.


Soul Brothers

Today I am sharing a post by Christopher Bland titled Privileged (Remastered). Chris shares his heartfelt, and often times, haunting experiences past and present through exquisitely thought provoking prose. Chris truly writes from his soul and shares his world through the trials and tribulations he has faced during his lifetime. Feel free to check out his blog Listen With Your Soul.

In Love and Light

Hayley xx