Believe You Can

Think you can or can't
You can do all of the preparation in the world to ensure you achieve your end result; you can cover all your bases with prevention methods and tools for success – but if you are lacking that one vital element, all of your carefully laid out plans may well be in vain.

So what is the vital ingredient? SELF-BELIEF.

Belief in oneself, your capabilities and your worth is key for the success of any personal venture. If you have lingering self-doubts or lack trust in your abilities then you are already setting yourself up for failure. That’s not a bad thing. No doubt you will gain some wisdom for the next time…

But if you’d like to avoid there having to be a next time, begin with your mindset today.

Believe YOU CAN. Believe YOU ARE WORTHY and TRUST in yourself.

As I near closer to my birthing and my intentions for a natural, instinctive birth – my mindset matters now more than ever. Because whether I believe I can, or believe I can’t – I am right.

Today, believe you can.

Love Always,
Hayley xx

Conceive, Believe, Achieve

Beliefs are powerful. What we believe, we become. There is a famous quote by Henry Ford who stated:

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.

The difference between those who can and those who can’t is self-belief.

‘I don’t have time to meditate.’ ‘Losing weight is hard.’ ‘This is just the way I am.’ ‘Money is hard to come by.’ ‘I’m not clever enough.’

Such self-defeating beliefs often stem from social conditioning. They can also be passed down by our ancestors who were sometimes taught: ‘Life is an uphill struggle.’

Next time you notice fear and doubt creep in, ask yourself: ‘Whose beliefs are these?’ If they are not your own, dismiss them. If you genuinely believe it’s not possible, ask yourself – why? Who or what has led you to believe that you cannot achieve the life of your dreams?

Napoleon Hill once said:

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Today, believe in your dreams. Believe in your abilities. Believe in YOU. You are only ever one thought away from living the life you intended to live.

Love always,

Hayley xx

Life’s Essentials

Nourish your soul

Whether a thought, a bad habit, a painful relationship or situation; ‘if it doesn’t nourish your soul – let it go.’ As part of September’s self-care, it’s important we take time to Spring clean our lives. For those of you in the Northern hemisphere, as the Autumn leaves begin to turn, you too, can turn over a new leaf.

Begin by asking a few simple questions; What am I lacking? What do I have ‘too much’ of? In what areas of my life do I feel an imbalance? Once we address our needs and the needs of those we love; we can begin to cultivate more peace, love, balance and joy in our lives.

I find it’s best to approach one aspect of our lives at a time. Whenever I’ve tried to overhaul my entire life in one go, I’ve become overwhelmed and created new imbalances as a result. A great place to start is through the process of letting go.

The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.

– Lin Yutang

Maybe you bring your work home with you? Or have a tendency to gossip too much? Do you drink or eat in excess when stressed? If it’s old, worn out beliefs, thought patterns and behaviours, or an accumulation of ‘things’ and relationships that no longer nourish your soul; as you say goodbye to the old and make space for the new, trust that in letting go, you can cultivate a loving, compassionate environment for all involved.

In love & light,

Hayley xx



Soulful Sunday #27: Can You Help?

we rise

Welcome to my twenty-seventh instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

So this week I decided to submit an entry to the Hay House Writers Workshop Competition in Sydney. Last year I attended the workshop online and was able to submit a book proposal as part of my participation in the course. Sadly, my book was not selected – however, three very deserving writers were chosen for their beautiful books to be published.

When I saw the opportunity to attend the Sydney Writers Workshop in July by submitting a short video describing my idea for a book, I decided to have another try. If you have enjoyed my inspirational posts, and feel inspired by my daybook, which would be of a similar nature – then please take the time to vote for my video below! And if you have the time, maybe you could even share my link with your audience with a link back to my WordPress site.

So far, I only have 8 votes, and I have just ten days to obtain close to 500! So any way in which you can help would be greatly appreciated (and of course I will send you a signed copy of my book when it’s selected for publication!) 😉 I would very much appreciate your support.

I must say, the moment I submitted my entry, I suddenly thought: “Cringe! I’m not good enough, I rambled too much, I wavered off topic..” I silenced the negative self talk and tried to find the truth – we are all deserving. Each and every one of us. Sometimes we take life far too seriously, so why not present ourselves as we are? In my case, that’s a little bit silly at times, but with a big wish to uplift and inspire the masses.

You can vote for me here! Just click on ‘VOTE’ and then find my entry (Hayley) which should be close to the top! Thank you ❤

Soul Gifts

I wanted to share these beautiful roses bought for me by someone very special. He showed up at my door with these unexpected flowers on the anniversary of my Dad’s passing on the tenth of May.

‘What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?’

– George Eliot


Soul Food

I would like to share an old favourite of mine, my Chocolate Chia Pudding recipe. It tastes delicious and is also nourishing! Which is an added bonus. No nasty refined sugars in this desert – just Mother Nature’s goodness! Enjoy.

Soul Music

Today I am sharing Say Hello To Heaven by Chris Cornell to honour his life. We have lost a beautiful, gifted soul far too soon, yet his words and music will forever remain in our hearts.  May your soul rest in peace.

Soul Brothers

I am sharing these beautiful quotes on strength compiled by Charles French at Words, Reading and Writing. A beautiful way to end the week and a timely reminder to remain centred in our inner strength for the week ahead.

In love and light,

Hayley xx


Thank You

Thank you would be enough

Blessed are those with an attitude of gratitude. Grateful hearts have the ability to turn a meal into a feast, ‘not enough’ into plenty, a small fortune into acres of diamonds, a fleeting moment into an eternity… Simply put, when we are grateful our lives become abundant with blessings.

It’s easy for us to be grateful when life is flowing beautifully; money is in the bank, we find the perfect parking spot, the lights are on green and we feel a sense of belonging. But when life is challenging, when we receive unexpected bad news, our dreams have been dashed, there isn’t enough to cover the bills and they don’t love us back – the words ‘thank you’ don’t come so easily. It is during these times we must take stock of our lives and recognise all that is good, even if we must begin first with the basics; food on the table, shelter, clean water, good health… Can you walk, talk and see the beauty that surrounds you? Can you hear the music that stirs your soul? Can you love, dream and create? Give thanks for all of that, for gratitude possesses the transformative power to turn even the darkest moments into light.

Each day we get to choose how we experience life, it is a simple shift in perspective from one of lack to one of abundance. Each day is a gift when we recognise, and give thanks for its many blessings. So today, say thank you! For ‘if the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.’

In love & light,

Hayley xx

Know Yourself.


How many of us struggle to express what it is that we want? We stumble the moment we are asked to verbalise our deepest wants and wishes.

For many, it’s that we don’t know what we want; we have yet to figure that out. For some, the head and the heart are conflicted, and we spend our lives in a state of doubt and confusion. For others, it is that we are too afraid to express ourselves for fear of what others might think. But as Robert Louis Stevenson reminds us; “To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.” If we are to claim the life of freedom and fulfillment that is rightfully ours, then we are to trust in our intuition. We must develop a deep, unwavering faith in our ability to know what keeps our soul alive; to know what it is we want from life, and to go after it. It begins with knowing oneself.

To know oneself, we must be willing to become still, to listen to our hearts. To reside in a place of integrity. It is to speak up for what we believe in, to stand up and be counted, regardless of what others may think, and to be true. Today, be true to yourself. Make a promise to get acquainted with all that you are, the multi faceted you who is perfectly whole and complete.
In love and light,
Hayley xx