All Good Things Must Come To An End

This is me 2018. It’s been a year of extreme highs and inevitable lows; growing and birthing a beautiful baby boy has been magical, momentous and equally terrifying!

Motherhood has connected me to a love so profound it scares me how fiercely one can love another human; but parenthood has also brought me to my knees, literally. I’ve been floored both physically and emotionally and some days I’ve barely recognised the woman staring back at me in the mirror.

I’ve been pushed to all of my edges and limits and there have been days when I’ve cracked and broken into a gazillion pieces. Feeling vulnerable is an understatement. Parenting has a way of unearthing all of your unhealed wounds and past traumas. (I highly recommend it, it’s great therapy!)

Yet even in my darkest hours a silent voice has reminded me that I’m also resilient AF, and this woman is by no means shattered beyond repair. In fact, quite the opposite. I’ve earnt my strong Mumma wings and I am spreading them far and wide in 2019 with nothing but love and gratitude for this transformational journey I’m on. I welcome the continuing growth and expansion that’s to come for both myself and my little family.

I gave up on New Years resolutions years ago, but I do like to set a theme for the year and I’m making 2019 my year of TRUST.

I am trusting in myself, I am trusting in my intuition, I am trusting in my worth as a woman, I trust in my capacity to continue to give as a mother, I trust in the goodness of others, I trust that the Universe has our back and is supporting my family regardless of what life throws our way.

And on that note I’m shaking my booty into 2019 with a twinkle in my eye and a heart full of love, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, faith and gratitude for all I have learnt and all I am willing to let go of.

2018, thank you for the lessons. 2019, I am ready!

I will be taking a break for blogging on WordPress but you can find me on Instagram and Facebook by following the links in the sidebar 👉🏻

Dear Dad has been my home for 5 years of writing, but I’ll admit I’ve struggled to maintain my blog since becoming a mother. It doesn’t feel right blogging here when I simply don’t have the time to reciprocate by reading all of your magical blogs.

And so I am taking a break from this platform but will continue to post on my Instagram feed!

I will reserve this space for its original intent, which was, and still is, a place for me to simply say: Dear Dad…

Thank you for being so supportive over the years and for the loving connections I have gained from this sacred space, I love each and every one of you 💖

Love always

Peace out ✌🏻

Hayley xx

Life Goals

Good vibes only

A New Year often ignites new dreams, new goals and fresh intentions. 365 days to play with; 52 weeks to explore and enjoy. And of course, as always “This year will be THE year when I achieve all of my goals.”

But what if your only goal was to be happy? What if this year, you made a commitment to feel GOOD VIBES ONLY, regardless of your circumstances?

Yes, we can promise to lose fifteen pounds, to get ‘the job’ or meet that special someone, but all of that will be short lived without the key element: feeling good from the inside. Losing weight is hard without self love and acceptance; obtaining that job may bring a sense of achievement and success, but pouring love into what you do, regardless of your title, position or paypacket is far more fulfilling long term.

Work is love made visible.

– Kahlil Gibran.

As for meeting that special someone? Life feels much sweeter when we have someone to love and someone who loves us back; but without the presence of SELFLOVE, our relationships may suffer further down the track. Loving ourselves allows all of our relationships to thrive, including the relationship we have with ourSELF.

To love oneself is that start of a lifelong romance.

– Oscar Wilde

This year, make a commitment to yourself to feel good vibes only. Allow your highest energy to flow. Witness how you become a powerful attractor when you are aligned with the love of the Universe.

Love always,

Hayley xx

A New Year, A New Book 

As we welcome 2018 and the first blank page of a new book, some of us are setting fresh intentions for the new year.

Even if you don’t believe in goal setting or resolutions, reflecting on the year gone by can help us to get clear on those aspects of our lives which no longer serve or nourish us.
As you envision the year ahead, you may want to ask yourself; What inspires me? Where do I see myself at the close of 2018? Who are the people I wish to surround myself with? What do I want less of? What do I want more of?

These simple questions can serve as a gentle guide to keep us aligned with a life of purpose and meaning. You may even want to review/change your intentions each month as you achieve, grow and evolve.

I’m a strong believer of progress not perfection. Try to remember this simple mantra as you move through the year: ‘Progress is far more important than perfection. I’m doing the best I can.’ Should you stumble with some of your personal commitments, remember to always be kind to yourself. With each new breath, we can begin again.

I wish nothing but the best for each and every one of you.

May 2018 and beyond bring you an abundance of joy, peace, laughter, fulfilment and love.

In love & light, 
Hayley xx 

Blank Page


With each New Year, opportunities for change and renewal arise; a time when fresh ideas, hopes and wishes are born. It is true that we can ignite change at any moment in our lives – that we needn’t wait until the first of the month, or Monday, or for the elusive ‘perfect moment’ to begin – but there is something wondrous and welcoming about the start of a New Year; a blank canvas for which our dreams and creativity await form and application.

But when faced with a blank canvas, what should we paint? What hues should we select and what if we run out of colour halfway through? Worse still – what if we stare woefully at the blank page before us, a sense of rising dread as we consider our forgotten finesse for creativity?

In answer to these very real and experienced questions, I invite you to cast your mind back to when you were a child. Rarely, as children, did we ever stop to ponder our ability to create when faced with fresh pots of paint and paper. Instead, with little hesitation, we’d dive in, barely stopping to roll up our sleeves as we repeatedly dipped our brushes, in and out. It didn’t matter if the colours became mixed or the paper became saturated and soaked. Nor did we care if our brush strokes were sloppy and without direction. After splashing a myriad of colour in every which way, we’d pause – and then confidently state our masterpiece, even if it looked nothing of the sort: “Look – a house! A sun! A crocodile!”

Children don’t analyse their visions and dreams, they simply create according to their own unique perspective.

So don’t fret if, as you pen down your wish to lose fifteen pounds or more, you are nibbling away at the left over Christmas chocolates, or dousing your front with fallen crumbs of turkey and cranberry sandwiches.

Today is for creative dreaming, the doing will surely follow.

In love and light,

Hayley xx
