
3 months… 12 weeks… 84 days… 288 hours… 17280 minutes… 1036800 seconds… However this precious time spent with you is to be counted, I choose to see it as eternal and forever imprinted in our hearts… 👣❤️

Here’s to sleepless nights and poonami explosions, milky voms and ‘stinky ear’ cuddles, cherished memories and forgotten dishes, endless rocking and dribbly kisses, tantrums, tears and toothless grins and a whole bunch of love, weirdness and belly laughter in between 💝

I’d do it all again for you in a heartbeat baby Kole 💙

Love always xx

The Rainbow After The Rain

Each day I receive a quote to my phone which appears in the form of a notification. On my birthing day, mid labour, this is the quote I received. It couldn’t have been more true.

At this stage I had endured a lot of rain and had been birthing for over 24hours. A pinched nerve in my lower back meant that my labour was not ‘flowing’ as I’d imagined. Determined to avoid any drugs or invasive pain relief that would pass to our baby’s system, I allowed the rain to pour down on me – hard and heavy.

I would say that the back labour and water injections used to alleviate the discomfort were far more distressing than any other part of the birthing process, which i’d always held as beautiful and powerful and still believe this to be true.

The pinched nerve demanded all of my attention and focus, and at times I questioned my ability to birth my baby boy naturally, if at all. But my rainbow came. And I love him with every ounce of my being 💙

In life, sometimes we wish to give up. We don’t see that in the midst of our pain and despair, there is a beautiful rainbow forming.

Today, I ask that you TRUST. No matter what your circumstances or how long you’ve ‘put up with the rain’ – have faith that the rainbow is coming. Trust that it is bright, beautiful, colourful and magical. And yes my dear, that rainbow is just for you. You are SO worthy 🌈

So this little bundle of love is one week old today 💙🌈

Wow, what a journey Motherhood is.

My life now consist of sleeping in three hour increments or less; poopy bums and milky burps are the main flavour of the day, and my breasts have been converted into a 24hour milk restaurant 🥛

BUT, holding you close to our hearts, hearing your little piglet snorts and seeing your dreamy smile as you sleep makes every ounce of tiredness worth it’s weight in gold.

We love you Kole Roy 💙🌈 Happy one week earthside beautiful boy,

Love always,

Mummy & Daddyxx

What are you focusing on?

Sometimes we can’t see the solution because we’re staring too hard at the problem.

Napoleon Hill was right when he said: ‘Energy flows where attention goes.’

So what are you focused on?

Notice if you’re focusing on what you DON’T want instead of what you DO want.

Maybe you’re complaining about lack of, instead of counting your blessings? Or could you be trying to control people or situations with how you think they SHOULD be, instead of accepting how they really are?

It’s hard to admit that sometimes WE are the ones closing all the doors and building walls in our way…but sometimes we do this by default without even realising.

Today, open the blinds and gaze out of the window. Allow the light to flow in.

It takes a simple shift in perspective to appreciate all that you see. There is ALWAYS another way.

Love always,

Hayley xx

It’s Everywhere

It’s there. Even if it doesn’t always feel that way… The good. It’s everywhere.

Sometimes we’re too in our head, caught in our dramas or those of another, and the beauty is missed.

Today, find the good…

That gentle reassuring touch; a familiar smile; butter melting on warm toast; tea in your favourite mug; fresh sheets; song birds in the morning; silly dancing to your favourite tune; watching the sunset at the end of a long day; taking your next breath and exhaling deeply with a smile…

Don’t let moments like these pass you by, for they may never come to pass again.

Life is good. And today is for living.

Love always,

Hayley xx

The Prayer of ‘Thank You’

I’ve long believed in the power of gratitude. There’s a reason great spiritual teachers and philosophers teach gratitude as the cornerstone to lasting success and fulfilment. Simply put – it works.

I’ve been a little quiet on here lately, searching for (and furnishing) a new home takes time, and of course money.

After missing out on a few houses in a competitive rental market, yesterday we were finally accepted for a home that suits all our needs. I feel we can put this down to remaining grateful that we already currently have a place to stay, rather than feeling disappointed each time we missed out.

‘Gratitude turns what we don’t have into enough.’

Gratitude raises our vibration to one of love and places us in a prime position to receive. This was confirmed to me while on my evening walk last night. I looked down to find a neatly folded $50 note. There was no one else in sight. I whispered a quiet ‘thank you’ for the reminder that we live in an abundant Universe.

Today I am grateful for a new home, for unexpected gifts and for loved ones near and far.

What are you grateful for?

Love always,

Hayley xx

Love Over Fear

Whether we choose fear or we choose love – both are just that; a choice. ‘I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear.’ – Oprah Winfrey

When we live in our shadow; fear, worry, anxiety, disappointment, anger, blame, doubt, resistance and resentment reign. Such reactions to discomfort are a result of social conditioning, past traumas, learned behaviours and the false perceptions of our ego. But in any moment, we can choose to live in our light.

Acceptance, understanding, joy, awareness, trust, surrender and forgiveness are all acts of love. Love has the power to dissolve even the greatest of fears – to illuminate even the darkest recesses of our minds.

Whatever fears are holding you back – choose love. Everything in life has it’s opposite. Even fear serves a purpose – without fear, we could not recognise our ability to emerge from the darkness into the brightness of our very essence.

Today, acknowledge your fears. Make peace with them. And watch how they melt in the light of your love.

Love always,

Hayley xx

Heart’s Memories

hearts memories
A memory is something we remember. Gratitude emerges when we remember what is good in our lives; what makes our hearts swell and our souls soar.

I’ve spoken of my nightly writing ritual before. Each night I compile a list of ‘cherished moments’ from the day, memories I am grateful for and hold dear to my heart.  It could be as simple as a smile from a stranger or a hug from a loved one, a warm mug of tea on a winters evening, or silly dancing to a favourite song. If you have yet to explore writing a gratitude list, I urge you to begin this potent practice today.

As soon as our focus shifts to the sacred, the sweet and the simple, no longer can we comfortably remain in a position of lack and discontent. Suddenly we find our lives rich with the abundance of heartfelt memories that money and possessions simply cannot buy.

Today, take note of all that is good in your life. Tap into your heart’s memory. Feel the immense love and gratitude it holds.

Love Always,

Hayley xx

A New Year, A New Book 

As we welcome 2018 and the first blank page of a new book, some of us are setting fresh intentions for the new year.

Even if you don’t believe in goal setting or resolutions, reflecting on the year gone by can help us to get clear on those aspects of our lives which no longer serve or nourish us.
As you envision the year ahead, you may want to ask yourself; What inspires me? Where do I see myself at the close of 2018? Who are the people I wish to surround myself with? What do I want less of? What do I want more of?

These simple questions can serve as a gentle guide to keep us aligned with a life of purpose and meaning. You may even want to review/change your intentions each month as you achieve, grow and evolve.

I’m a strong believer of progress not perfection. Try to remember this simple mantra as you move through the year: ‘Progress is far more important than perfection. I’m doing the best I can.’ Should you stumble with some of your personal commitments, remember to always be kind to yourself. With each new breath, we can begin again.

I wish nothing but the best for each and every one of you.

May 2018 and beyond bring you an abundance of joy, peace, laughter, fulfilment and love.

In love & light, 
Hayley xx 

The Little Things

little things

When I look back over my life and the moments I cherish most, it’s often the little things which have had the biggest impact…

…when Dad told me he was proud of me (I worked in retail at the time, nothing extravagant – but he was proud all the same); Mum’s sentimental gifts (a handmade family scrapbook, a bracelet with Dad’s handwriting on it, a locket containing a cutting of his hair – all of which I will cherish always); being asked to be bridesmaid at my best friends wedding; the letters, gifts and ‘thank you’s’ I’ve received from the children I’ve taught over the years; each day I get to ‘do life’ with my deliciously thoughtful man; walking hand in hand, a warm embrace, heartfelt words of love, laughing until my cheeks ache; simple moments of peace and pleasure…

All of these ‘little things’ are the true meaning of a rich and fulfilling life.

Today, take note of the ‘little things’, because they really are the big things.

In love & light,

Hayley xx

Soulful Sunday #34: Believe, Receive


Welcome to my thirty-fourth instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

There is a natural joy that comes from giving. When we give, we honour our innate desire to love unconditionally. To gift without the expectation of any return is one of the purest acts of kindness we can do for another.

Receiving, however, can be a struggle for many. Preconditioned beliefs from childhood are prevalent; ‘there isn’t enough’, ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’, or worse still, it is ‘greedy’ or ‘wrong’ to want more. Encounters with power hungry or controlling individuals may also leave us feeling afraid or unworthy of receiving. Such limiting beliefs block our ability to receive with ease and grace.

It is time to let go of old misconceptions and be willing to accept all the best life has to offer.

You deserve to be happy. Life was never meant to be a struggle. Next time a gift comes your way, say ‘thank you’ and accept it with grace. Try to refrain from saying ‘you shouldn’t have’ or ‘this is too much.’ Let go of the past. Believe you are worthy of receiving abundance and embrace the life you deserve.

Soul Strolls

Today’s soul stroll took place in Sunbury. We decided to go for a drive and came across this beautiful dog park. I left my phone in the car to avoid interruption and missed a photo opportunity of a beautiful lake nestled in a nook of trees. But I have the memory of that pristine lake captured in my heart.

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Soul Food

Today I am sharing this delicious gluten free Zucchini Bread by Chef Shine. Which, if you’re English like me, is basically ‘courgette’ bread. I love bread. In fact, it’s my favourite thing. But unfortunately, bread gives me the bloats so I’m always on the look out for healthier alternatives, such as spelt or rye. I’ll certainly be giving this one a try!

Z bread

Soul Music

I’d like to share Supertramp’s Give A Little Bit. A magical reminder that the best gifts in life are free; love and kindness.

Soul Brothers

I’d love to share this heartfelt poem by Vishal titled Wild days, heart break and pain. Vishal’s poetry is always vivid with colour and emotion. I felt it more than worthy of a share in today’s Soulful Sunday, since Vishal bares his soul each time he writes.

Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday. May you enjoy the gift of today.

In love & light,

Hayley xx