Heart’s Memories

hearts memories
A memory is something we remember. Gratitude emerges when we remember what is good in our lives; what makes our hearts swell and our souls soar.

I’ve spoken of my nightly writing ritual before. Each night I compile a list of ‘cherished moments’ from the day, memories I am grateful for and hold dear to my heart.  It could be as simple as a smile from a stranger or a hug from a loved one, a warm mug of tea on a winters evening, or silly dancing to a favourite song. If you have yet to explore writing a gratitude list, I urge you to begin this potent practice today.

As soon as our focus shifts to the sacred, the sweet and the simple, no longer can we comfortably remain in a position of lack and discontent. Suddenly we find our lives rich with the abundance of heartfelt memories that money and possessions simply cannot buy.

Today, take note of all that is good in your life. Tap into your heart’s memory. Feel the immense love and gratitude it holds.

Love Always,

Hayley xx