Soulful Sunday #27: Can You Help?

we rise

Welcome to my twenty-seventh instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

So this week I decided to submit an entry to the Hay House Writers Workshop Competition in Sydney. Last year I attended the workshop online and was able to submit a book proposal as part of my participation in the course. Sadly, my book was not selected – however, three very deserving writers were chosen for their beautiful books to be published.

When I saw the opportunity to attend the Sydney Writers Workshop in July by submitting a short video describing my idea for a book, I decided to have another try. If you have enjoyed my inspirational posts, and feel inspired by my daybook, which would be of a similar nature – then please take the time to vote for my video below! And if you have the time, maybe you could even share my link with your audience with a link back to my WordPress site.

So far, I only have 8 votes, and I have just ten days to obtain close to 500! So any way in which you can help would be greatly appreciated (and of course I will send you a signed copy of my book when it’s selected for publication!) 😉 I would very much appreciate your support.

I must say, the moment I submitted my entry, I suddenly thought: “Cringe! I’m not good enough, I rambled too much, I wavered off topic..” I silenced the negative self talk and tried to find the truth – we are all deserving. Each and every one of us. Sometimes we take life far too seriously, so why not present ourselves as we are? In my case, that’s a little bit silly at times, but with a big wish to uplift and inspire the masses.

You can vote for me here! Just click on ‘VOTE’ and then find my entry (Hayley) which should be close to the top! Thank you ❤

Soul Gifts

I wanted to share these beautiful roses bought for me by someone very special. He showed up at my door with these unexpected flowers on the anniversary of my Dad’s passing on the tenth of May.

‘What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?’

– George Eliot


Soul Food

I would like to share an old favourite of mine, my Chocolate Chia Pudding recipe. It tastes delicious and is also nourishing! Which is an added bonus. No nasty refined sugars in this desert – just Mother Nature’s goodness! Enjoy.

Soul Music

Today I am sharing Say Hello To Heaven by Chris Cornell to honour his life. We have lost a beautiful, gifted soul far too soon, yet his words and music will forever remain in our hearts.  May your soul rest in peace.

Soul Brothers

I am sharing these beautiful quotes on strength compiled by Charles French at Words, Reading and Writing. A beautiful way to end the week and a timely reminder to remain centred in our inner strength for the week ahead.

In love and light,

Hayley xx


Soulful Sundays #11: Step Inside


Welcome to my eleventh instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

Eudora Welty’s quote resonated with me this week. As my book proposal submission draws near, I have led a somewhat more sheltered life in terms of socialising. I have endured many names such as ‘unsociable, ‘boring’ and ‘hermit’ by my friends in their attempts to coax me out. (All in good humour of course!) They have mostly respected my need for peace. But despite them thinking that I must be having a really boring time of it, I have actually been living the opposite of a ‘sheltered life’. I may have confined myself to the laptop far more than I would have liked to during this beautiful Melbourne sunshine, but I have managed to switch my thoughts of social deprivation into one of complete abundance.

I have had so much pleasure daring to dream, going within – that ‘sheltered’ has felt more like an exciting exploration. An adventure of the soul! And of course, whilst I may have declined social gatherings, I have remembered to nurture myself during this busy period of teaching, writing and preparing for Christmas!  Spending time in nature, walking, yoga, and a holiday to the Sunshine Coast with family have all helped to keep me sane and happy.  Deprived I am not. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time that your friends and family may consider a ‘sheltered life’? When in reality, you are daring to beat to the sound of your own drum? 😉

Soul Strolls

And talking of soul strolls, I am seeing these beauties spring up everywhere here in Melbourne at the moment. Beautiful blue flowers shooting up out of thick green grasses. I even have some growing in my front garden, although I have no idea what they are! So if anyone can enlighten me, I’d be very grateful.


Photography by Hayley Jade Gledhill

Soul Sounds

I love music that soothes the soul. This beautiful track  ‘Balance’ by Tao Lounge sends me into a deep meditative state whenever I listen to it. You can find it on Spotify by following this link.

Soul Food

Today I am sharing this Pork and Pineapple Curry by one of my favourite health and wellness bloggers, Alice Nicholls at The Whole Daily. Whilst I love to cook, my partner’s a bit of a rookie! But he has kindly been helping me out in the kitchen whilst I’ve been teaching, writing and working on my proposal. To broaden his scope, I sent him to Alice’s website for some healthy alternatives to his usual Shepard’s Pie and Mac n Cheese. He chose this, and did a mighty good job of it too! It’s now become his new regular (I’m not complaining) 😉 Enjoy!


Soul Sisters

Today I am sharing Michelle’s post Sunrise Epiphany. This post made me chuckle out loud as well as nod in agreement! Head over to Michelle’s post for 12 things we can no longer afford to keep doing.

Happy Sunday my friends,

In love and light,

Hayley xx