Home » Alignment » Soulful Sunday #35: Honour Yourself

Soulful Sunday #35: Honour Yourself

Honour Yourself

Welcome to my thirty-fifth instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

There are days when our hearts are so over-joyed we feel we could walk on air we’re so high… And then there are days when we want to punch pillows and hide under duvets in a darkened room. Life’s contrasts are real. But we needn’t hide or run from them. We just need to live them. And be kind to ourselves in the process.

Whether you are high on life today, or having a duvet day (like me) because your lady cramps are in full force and the sight of puppies causes you to cry into your rice crispies – whatever your mood may be, honour yourself. Do what makes your soul happy (or at least do what makes you feel sane!) Take yourself off for a walk. Watch back to back episodes of Friends and laugh untill your belly hurts. Create a delicious, nourishing meal that heals, or devour some crumpets with drippings and drippings of butter!

Whatever you decide to do, do it with complete love for yourself. Honour your feelings, and trust that everything will be just fine.

Soul Strolls

I have the honour of house sitting for my friends again, taking care of their beautiful cat, Bella, whilst they are away on holiday. Their home is ten minutes from Princes Park, so I have been lucky enough to enjoy some daily soul strolls again this week. There is nothing like a walk to wash away your woes. I took this photo on the first day of Spring here in Melbourne, Australia.

Since ancient times, the first of September has been viewed as a time for reflection and renewal. As the seasons gently give way to one another, may we be gentle on ourselves. The seasonal transition is synonymous with our own growth and regeneration, so let us be kind as we reflect, blossom and bloom into all that we were meant to be.

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Beautiful white flowers captured in Princes Park on the first day of Spring

Soul Food

Tomorrow, I’ve decided to make my Amaranth & Seed Superfood slices, it’s been a while since I’ve made them. They are such a delicious little snack to keep on hand for those moments when you need a little pick me up without the added nasties that can sometimes be hidden in so called pre-packaged ‘health’ bars. What’s your favourite little go-to snack?


Soul Music

I’d like to share a meditation track today titled, Love Song From The Mountains by Deuter. It is truly mesmerising, the perfect song to honour yourself with in a moment of tranquil bliss. Take a moment to close your eyes and become lost in it’s heavenly sounds.

Soul Sisters

Today I would like to share the post How To Recognise An Incredible Woman.

I discovered it on My Own Private Idaho. Head on over for a read! I’m sure we can all identify with the woman in this beautiful, honest piece.

Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday of love and self-honouring my friends.

In love & light,

Hayley xx

11 thoughts on “Soulful Sunday #35: Honour Yourself

  1. Pingback: Weeds, Seeds and Finding lost dreams – Out an' About

    • Oh Miriam, what a stunning post from start to finish… yes we must cultivate our gardens and dig deep in order to unearth the beauty and potential beneath… I feel Spring time is the perfect season for us all to begin removing those old weeds, to begin afresh 🌷 what a beautiful photo of us 😁 I must get you to send the garden shots via Facebook once you get a chance to, so I can keep them in my memory bank ☺️🙏🏻 much love to you dear Miriam – thank you for yet another honest, thought provoking and inspiring post 🌷 xx


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