Home » Abundance » Soulful Sunday #48: Listen, and TRUST.

Soulful Sunday #48: Listen, and TRUST.

Trust that still small voice that says, _This might work and I'll try it._

Welcome to my forty-eighth instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a
roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

Too often we dismiss our ideas as ‘silly’ or ‘absurd’. We keep quiet and fail to take action through fear of ‘getting it wrong’ or looking stupid. But as T. Harv Eker reminds us:

One step in the right direction is better than one hundred years thinking about it.

I am your typical procrastinator. Yet I have come to realise that procrastination is one of either two things: perfectionism or fear. The truth is, that there is never a perfect time to begin and there is no time like the present. As for a perfect outcome? That too, is never guaranteed. So make a start and don’t delay. Fear of beginning, failing or even succeeding are some of the biggest roadblocks to living the life we intended to live.

So my advice to you is to simply begin.  You don’t need to know how to do it, you just need to know why you are doing it. And it is your WHY that will keep you moving forward, especially when you are faced with setbacks and adversity.

Create for joy. There need be no other reason.

– Kate. M. Foster

Whatever your intuition is urging you to do, trust in that small voice within. Your dreams are real. So go after them.

Soul Strolls

My partner and I are currently looking for a place to live. The rental competition is tough here in Melbourne, and many people arrive at the viewings all with the hope of being chosen. After a number of underwhelming viewings and one uncertain and tentative application which was (thankfully) declined, one property just ‘felt right.’

And that’s when my intuition began to nudge a little louder!

My partner and I noticed two gentlemen fixing the roof in the garage. We stopped to say ‘hello.’ It turned out that one of the gentlemen happened to be the landlord. The landlords make the final decision based on tenant application, yet it’s very rare that they are present at the property during inspection.

We had two more back to back viewings to race to, but knew even as we looked around the other houses that our hearts were still set on the first. Following our gut instincts, we returned to the first property, where we introduced ourselves again to the landlord.

We explained we’d fallen in love with his home and asked what he was looking for in a tenant and to our surprise, he said: “To be honest, I said to my friend that I’d give you both the property as you were both pleasant enough to say ‘hello’ as you looked through.’

Sometimes you just have to trust your instincts, and go that extra mile. After the landlord thanked us for returning to enquire further, we said our goodbye’s. We submitted our application that same evening. I will let you know next week if the stars align!

For now – I will visualise my partner and I walking hand in hand through the door to our new home… Wish us luck!


0ur new home 😉

Soul Food

My friend made a delicious vegan lasagna which tasted incredible. Although, she used lasagna pasta sheets, which I love! Although pasta does NOT love me! (Think BLOAT and GAS!) Not pretty. So I discovered this delicious grain free, gluten free, dairy free lasagna from one of my favourite Health and Wellness pals, Alice Nicholls. You could even make this meat free if desired! I will definitely be giving this one a try. Yum!

Soul Music

Today I’d like to share this beautiful meditative track titled Sacred Alignment, by Dean Evenson. It’s gentle melody is the perfect reminder to go ‘inward.’ The answer lies within. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I do.

Soul Sisters

I would like to share this stunning post by Deb at Once Upon A Hot Flash. I first met Debs here on WordPress, and we quickly connected and became friends. Deb is a beautiful soul, who connected me with other beautiful souls whilst walking along this WordPress journey. I am so grateful for her presence here.

I am sharing this post as, after an incredible daily run, Debs has decided to share her last Daily Gratitude post. Head on over and share your gratitude, as I truly believe that the best way to become aligned is to be grateful.

Trusting each and every one of you are feeling aligned on this peaceful Sunday, and if you are not – get still and listen. Trust that your heart is whispering guidance to you.

Love Always,

Hayley xx

17 thoughts on “Soulful Sunday #48: Listen, and TRUST.

  1. Oh Hayley I LOVE YOUR NEW HOME!!! Aren’t we always so grateful when we listen to our inner voice!! Our inner voice always knows best and we should always listen to it. Sure we can be afraid but if we listen and follow, we’ll discover that there was nothing to be afraid of! Thank you my sweet soul sister for linking to my Grateful Post and the lovely words you share here! I look forward to ending my weekends with such positive, thoughtful vibes, foods and sounds from you from now on!!! Oh that excites me. Look forward to sleeping over when I come to visit!! I see you and Daley in your new home too, oh look, Daley’s making you dinner, and drawing a bubble bath for you while he cleans up and washes the dishes. How lovely, he has your favorite wine poured and is waiting to give you a foot massage…hehe!! Big Happy New Home Hugs xo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehehe Oh Debs what a stunning image you have conjured in my heart on all levels 🏡 ❤️ 😍 and I already have the bed made for you with plush fluffy cotton cushions and a pretty journal besides your bed to record your dreams and wishes! Wishing you a magical start to the weekend Beautiful woman! 🙏🏻💝 xx

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      • Oh my bed sounds sooo comfy and delightful!! Thank you for the journal it’s perfect and the first thing I’m going to record in it is that dreams do come true…the fact that I can write that in the journal attests to the fact that my dream of meeting you came true!! And my wish is that we can visit with each other often!! Thank you my sweet Hayley…and here’s to an enchanting weekend for you too my lovely. ❤ xo 🙂

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      • I knew you’d love the journal sweet soul (and I love your first sentence – that dreams do come true!) and I believe so too! I can already envisage you, Miriam and I together and oh what a dream come true that will be! Love always to you Divine soul 🙏🏻🌸💝 xx

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      • I get giddy & goosebumpy just thinking about it! It’s will be amazing and so incredible when we are all together. Much love to you my soul sister xo ❤

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      • Oh it will be amazing my friend – maybe we all meet one day at a half way point on some kind of retreat? Oooo I’m dreaming of it now! Eeeek the excitement!!! 😘❤️😍🤗🌹🌈🤩 xx


  2. So true, if we never start we’ll never know. I’m at that starting point right now and I’m so looking forward to what lies ahead. I’m also looking forward to visiting you and Daley in your new home, I’ll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes. Have a wonderful week. Big hugs my lovely friend. xx 🙂💕🙏🏠

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