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Life’s Gifts

As some of you may know, I was recently on a mission to obtain votes to attend the Hay House Sydney Writers Workshop event. Whilst I didn’t quite receive enough, one entrant managed to obtain 750 votes, and I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the very worthy winner! You rock lady!

I knew it would be a big effort with my small, (yet growing) following. And whilst some may be left feeling despondent, I can’t help but smile and say ‘Thank you!’

Here’s why:

  • I faced my fears and uploaded my first ever video to social media platforms promoting my book and message. This is a huge step for me. I feel much more comfortable communicating in the written form. Despite cringing at my attempts, I did it. Yey!
  • My wish was to spread more love and connection, and I received nothing but that in response to my video. Thanks to friends sharing and spreading the word, I have formed beautiful new connections across my writing platforms.
  • My faith in a loving Universe was proven. I was both amazed and humbled by the love and support offered from friends and strangers alike. I am still so very grateful for each and every one of you who took the time to vote.

I believe in Divine timing. The stars may not have aligned this time, but I have every faith that something wonderful is waiting just around the corner. And the same goes for you!

Here’s to facing our fears, following our dreams and counting our blessings! Life is far too magical and wonderful to be anything but grateful.

In love & light,

Hayley xx

13 thoughts on “Life’s Gifts

  1. You are now even closer than before…that was a huge step that you took and it’s all coming to you just as it should. I’m so proud of you!! You rock sweet friend xo 💖

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  2. As I said to you on Instragram I think you’re already a winner Hayley. Good on you for giving it a shot and I have no doubt that something wonderful is waiting for you just around the corner. Enjoy the weekend xo 💕

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