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Soulful Sundays #18: Undefeated


Welcome to my eighteenth instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

In today’s opening quote, I am reminded of my six year old self learning to ride my blue BMX. Self taught, I’d lean my bike handles against the wall of our old house, push off, then fall in a tangled heap on the pavement. Bruised and scraped, maybe – but defeated I was not. Persistence and resilience eventually paid off as I was cheerfully met with the fulfillment of riding freely. And it wasn’t long before I was riding with no hands, the wind whipping through my hair as I careened down the hills laughing.

The same is true in life. ‘We are each of us defeated many times…’ Yet if we brush ourselves off, and find the courage to climb back on the turning wheels of life, if we ‘learn from it and try another way – then we will find fulfillment.’ It won’t be long until we are riding free, no hands, with laughter and fulfillment overflowing in our hearts.

Today, dig deep. Find the courage to pick yourself up and try again. Know that however many times you are defeated, that there is always another way. And trust that peace and fulfillment are always along for the ride.

Soul Strolls


I captured this beaut on my evening stroll last week.. 🌹 It reminds me of Corita Kent’s quote; ‘Flowers grow out of dark moments.’ I believe this to be true. Every heart ache has a gift for you in it’s hands… Keep your eyes tilted to the skies.

Soul Food

On a drizzly Sunday like today in Melbourne, it’s a day for comfort foods. I discovered these Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Bites at Happy Skin Kitchen. They look divine! Will you be trying these?

Soul Music

I’m going to a reggae gig here in Melbourne to see House of Shem. So I thought I’d share a track of theirs,  Move As One. I’m loving their vibes, I hope you do too!

Soul Brothers

Today I am sharing this enticingly cool poem by Robert C. Day titled Pale Orb. I thought it was very provocative, despite being so dismissive of the moon in favour of the sun. Have a read!

Wishing you all a kind and heartfelt Sunday wherever you are,

In love & light,

Hayley xx

13 thoughts on “Soulful Sundays #18: Undefeated

  1. Love your soul reflections Hayley, your words are so full of hope. Love the analogy of learning to ride a bike and life, it’s so true. The falls just make us stronger, so long as we don’t give up. Thank you for all the links and inspirations. The flower looks beautiful and those cookies sound delicious. Hope you enjoyed that reggae gig, what a great beat. Hugs on this cool Sunday night. xo ❤️

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  2. So inspirational, wonderful post Hayley! The color of that rose is stunning, the chocolate peanut butter fudge bites irresistible, but I must admit I’m enchanted by the moon, I find her magical and bewitching…Have a wonderful time at the reggae concert, it’s so fun and loose and carefree, don’t you think? Wishing you a soothing Sunday my sweet soulful one. xo

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