Home » Abundance » Roses On My Table

Roses On My Table

Whilst it is perfectly acceptable to wear diamonds on our neck, and I begrudge no one for doing so – I am with Emma Goldman, in that there is much beauty to be found in the simple.

For some, it is the taste of rich, dark chocolate and a full bodied red after a hard day’s work. Maybe it is the sweet pop of cherries bursting in our mouths on a long, hot summers day? Or the soft podgy padding of an infant’s hand reminding us of the sweetness of innocence?

Whatever our ‘roses on the table’ may be, may we revere and savour the simple, and remember that we needn’t wear diamonds on our necks to experience the richness of life.

In love and light,

Hayley xx

11 thoughts on “Roses On My Table

  1. My “roses on the table” is where I’m sitting right now….I love this spot on my couch, with my table next to me filled with all my journals, books, angel cards, tarot cards, the Bible, rosary beads, candles, hand cream, lip cream, and tissue. My laptop sits in front of me and I get to read your postings and write to you and all our blogging community. Or I might sit here and read or meditate, I just love my spot!! I love your new background too. xo

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    • Your spot sounds beautiful Debs – so peaceful and wonderful! I can see you there now, with your glowing smile surrounded by all the things you love. It sounds similar to my own little spot I have set up with my oracle cards, crystals, prayer book and affirmations…and of course my many many journals. (Stationary geeks that we are) 🤓🙊 Soul sisters 💕 hehe enjoy your day wonderful you! xx

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