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Things I Like

beauty and the beast library

Writing 101, Day 2: Write a list

Things I Like…

  • The sound of rain droplets on my umbrella.
  • Books books books! The smell of them, the sound of the pages turning, the wonder that lies within…my dream is to house a library similar to Belle’s from Beauty and the Beast!
  • Disney films…ahhh the magic…
  • Being in the company of children. I love seeing the world through a child’s eyes.
  • Belly laughing! The kind that causes happy tears to stream down your face…
  • Cooking with wholefoods and proving that healthy food can taste gooooooood. (my website is ‘Wholesome Souls’ if you’d like some inspiration!)
  • Stationary. I love journals and notebooks. (Why do I feel like Forest Gump when I say that?)
  • Meditating and yoga.
  • Watching gymnasts and figure skaters. So daring and beautiful.
  • Downton Abbey and Wallace and Gromit. Basically, cosy TV which invites you to drink a cup of tea.
  • Countryside. Nature. Countryside. Oh…and did I say nature and countryside? It has healing qualities.


9 thoughts on “Things I Like

  1. Ok so I started November backwards and here I am at the end or is it the beginning? Sorry to have bombarded you with so many replies, I had a lot of catching up to do!! I did not realize you were back to writing so much…I will journey through October next, I just love to read all that you write. I guess that would be one of the things I like!! xoxo

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